
SEPT 14 (Sabbath) Speaker: Pastor David Livergood

Fellowship Lunch downstairs following the service - everyone welcome!


SEPT 15 (Sun) 12:30 Senior Saints Luncheon


SEPT 18 (Wed) 6pm Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs

7-7:30pm Prayer Meeting led by Pastor David (weekly) NEW!


SEPT 19 (Thurs) 6pm Prayer Meeting (weekly)


SEPT 21 (Sabbath) Speaker: Pastor David Livergood

2-4pm Health Class on Sleep by Dr. Emerson

5-9pm Supper & Bonfire @ the Livergoods’


SEPT 22 (Sun) 1pm Cooking School


SEPT 28 (Sabbath) Speaker: Darah Ashlie

5:30 Parenting Panel in the Multipurpose Room

Folk Mountain Gospel Music Concert in the evening


OCT 5 (Sabbath) Speaker: Pastor David Livergood


OCT 19 (Sabbath) Annual Barn Party (Evening)


2nd Sabbath of each month

Retirement Home Singing 3:30

3rd Sabbath of each month

Integrative Health Class 2-4pm


4th Sabbath of each month

Youth Bible Study Series 2-3pm

Rescue Mission Outreach 3:30pm


Every 3rd Sunday

Senior Saints @ 12:30


Every 4th Sunday

Cooking School 1-3pm 



6pm Kids' Clubs

7pm Prayer Meeting



Prayer Meeting 6pm